Found this code on some website, so this is not my own creation. Apparently the "blink" code does not work on Internet Explorer, and someone found a way to create blinking text using a simple marquee.
Testing this marquee the text tends to scroll to the left still but it does blink. This code needs perfecting.
The code for the blinking text:
<marquee scrollamount="200" scrolldelay="500" style="height: 20px; width: 200px;color:#ff0000;">Blinky Text!</marquee>
Testing this marquee the text tends to scroll to the left still but it does blink. This code needs perfecting.
The code for the blinking text:
<marquee scrollamount="200" scrolldelay="500" style="height: 20px; width: 200px;color:#ff0000;">Blinky Text!</marquee>